Terrain: a Journal of the Built Environment
Crow Call (essay)Empty Mirror
Architecture, Money, Graffiti, and Birds (essay)The Los Angeles Business Journal
Fourteen (and counting) op-eds
Various commissioned articles, including:Eclectica Magazine
- Bridgestone: Beyond the Dream
- Rivendell: Against the Wind
- Specialités TA: Persistence Pays
- Stronglight: Eyes on the Future
Story, poems, photo essay
www.eclectica.orgLos Angeles Downtown News
Photo essays, articlesGeneración (Mexico City)
Photo essaySnowy Egret
Poems and photographsEnergy Wise News (New Zealand, 2003)
Right Answer, Wrong ProblemAudobon Society Newsletter (Santa Monica)
Playa Vista: Right Project, Wrong Place?Carfree Cities
Urban design manual by J. H. Crawford
PhotographsThe Post-Automobile City
James A. Kushner
What Charlie Crumpley, editor of the Los Angeles Business Journal, says about my work:
"Richard Risemberg has written more than a dozen op-ed essays for the Los Angeles Business Journal in the last 7 or 8 years. He has also rewritten and edited op-eds originated by others. His writing is clear and straightforward. His points are intelligent and persuasive. His work is turned in on time, and it needs no rewriting or even touching up. His work is great and I'd recommend him to anyone. By the way, our publication has been named the best business journal in the country five of the last six years, so our standards are high. He absolutely meets or exceeds our expectations."Certified Photographic Consultant, Society of Photographic Consultants, 2003Charlie Crumpley.